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How to get your house newborn-ready in just two weeks. (Part 1) | Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Newborn Photographer

Are you expecting a new baby in the next few weeks? I totally get it, the anticipation can be exciting and overwhelming all at the same time. But don't worry, I've got your back! I've rounded up my top tips for getting your home ready for your new arrival in just two weeks.  This blog post is dedicated to part 1 of 10!

As a mom who's been through the newborn phase, I've gathered some unique ideas and tips that you might not have thought of before!

1. Declutter your home

Decluttering your home can sound like a daunting task, especially when you're expecting a newborn! But it's easier than you think to get your home ready for your newest addition. (Honestly decluttering has always been overwhelming for me, but I feel SO much better when I declutter my space. It is always worth the effort for me!)

Here are some steps to follow to declutter before baby arrives from your favorite Pittsburgh Newborn Photographer:

Step 1: Choose two or three rooms that you frequent most often (most likely this will be your living room, kitchen and bedroom).

Step 2: Start by noticing where things tend to pile up. For me, that’s always been our dining room table! It's the first place to set something down when you walk into the house.  Find a new place for these items to go so they stop piling up!

Step 3: Let’s “Marie Kondo” your stuff! (Let’s clear out what you don’t need or want anymore). Go through each drawer, cabinet and shelf and ask yourself, “Do I still need/want this item?”

Step 4: Make 3 piles, “Keep, Donate, Toss” and put everything into 1 of those piles.

Step 5: Organize the “keep” items, throw away the “toss” items (or recycle if possible) and give away the “donate.”

Turn on some music and make it fun! Ask a friend to come over and help. (The music always gets me moving and grooving! I'll put on a great Spotify channel, make a hot cop of joe- and GO! By the end of my project, I can't believe how much time has passed...and how much cleaner my house is!)

By following this first simple steps over the course of just a few days or a weekend, you can quickly create a stress-free and comfortable newborn-ready environment in your own home. :)

Stay tuned for my other newborn prepping steps!

Here is a gorgeous Newborn session of Baby Stella | Pittsburgh Newborn Photographer

I had the privilege of photographing Stella and her new parents. Let's just say it was...perfect.

Check out the portraits below.

Hair and makeup by Austyn Taylor Beauty

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